
You can, you know, just go

No waiting, just go.

No “as soon as I get . . . .”

Just go.

Had lunch with a guy today. Can’t launch.

Came home. Thought a bit.

I’m not launching either.

  1. Make a list of the major areas of stuckness—no movement. Circle. WordPress. ConvertKit. CraftCMS.
  2. Over time fill in a piece at a time. Get good with the tools. Start with Circle right now.
  3. Make the lead magnet.
  4. All that is fluffing, though. Just foam rolling before the workout. Make a plan and set a price. Any plan, any price. Change it later. Sell it on September 1.
  5. If you’re not moving it doesn’t matter where you start. All starting points will be wrong. Pick your favorite wrong starting point and get going.