
Today I will be LARPing my own life

As if I am a digital nomad in my own home. Yesterday we arrived at this new location, where we plan to live for several months. Most of the day was consumed by jet lag.

I have a co-working space to go to (my office). It has three nice indie coffee joints within a block, and plenty of restaurants — ranging from mom and pop family joints yo tired chains (Chipotle and its ilk). Maybe I will take a break and sit in one of the coffee joints a while.

There is a nice place to run I have heard of (gone to hundreds of times before) that I will go to today.

Due to jet lag I won’t be at the co-working space too long, so I will do some work, run, and then go back to my Airbnb (the house I have lives in for 16 years).

Let’s see how this goes. Live in my hometown as a visitor.

This is all because I want to do this in other cities. Go, live for 6 months in New York, Milan, Singapore, Bangkok, whatever.

I’m going to test the theory here.