Like the song, I’m starting to see benefits from the tiny action mentality.
First, let’s get books out of the way, and specifically two books: Tiny Habits and Atomic Habits. Useful? Sure. Marginally helpful? Probably.
But nothing happened until I started doing. Started taking action. The Last Resolution Standing game of write daily for five minutes and hit publish — that was the pivot for me. I’m doing that now, in fact.
This showed me it was possible for me to do something to install a new habit. And it showed me that I could do much more if only I planted a seed.
I write much more now. The extra is not published daily but it is published. I applied the tiny start, tiny regular action to running and last week I ran 13 miles.
In LRS there are now five of us. I will be the last one. What happens when they want to take down the website? Maybe they will just start 2024 and I will keep going.
Or I will keep my streak alive all by myself.