
Time to reset

A week traveling.

The routines I have embarked upon? Discarded. The self-imposed ban on distracting social media? Gone.

Hours of scrolling through Tik Tok, sleep patterns disrupted, no exercise, no reading and meditation. No writing here, to tease a thread of clarity from the confusion.

State of mind: depressed.

It’s time to reset. It’s to get simple.

New fuel, because I need to mix it up. Same message, different messengers.

They are not obscure, in fact they are pop stars: Rogan, Willink, Goggins. They say nothing new: focus, discipline.

Reading Seneca this morning about virtuous men who are mostly unknown during their lifetimes, I think: YouTube and Spotify bring me these messengers. In another time they might languish as local heroes, their wisdom available to only a few. Yet they are my friends, my guides, exhorting me to greatness.

Seneca reference: Letter 79, starting around paragraph 13.

It wasn’t one of them (I think) but somewhere on my searches I found a combat vet who was asked “what do you miss about combat?” He said “the simplicity.”

It’s time to reset. It’s time to get simple. Life is hand-to-hand combat with self.