Is not where I am. I’m starting with an accumulation.
True in the micro. Starting the day with jet lag, sinus infection, lack of sufficient hydration, sleep deprived, nowhere to go.
True in the macro. The accumulated knowledge, assets, momentum of my existing business. The cash flow needs of education and family support.
True in the meta. Mindset, perceptions.
No one starts from zero, as appealing as it sounds sometimes. There is no such thing as a clean slate.
Why do we want a clean slate, anyway? Why start from zero? Maybe to shed the perceived limits of current reality. Others see the assets that we have. We see that those assets are, on their flip side, liabilities. Anchors are anchors. Could be good, could be bad. Depends.
Go to where the asset is underpriced. Me? There is no one like me in Bangkok. Go there. That’s an example.
But the mythical “start over” is just a fantasy. Even my total reset a few decades ago wasn’t really total. I brought things with me. Some academics and credentials. Mindset of hunger. Others who reset at that time also brought attributes with them. And paid the price for it, just as I paid the price for bringing mine.
There is no zero. You always pay the price. Reap and sow. Cosmic balance of asset and liability.
Keep trudging.