
Pentathlon Day 3

Went to bed too late (past the self-designated 10 pm bedtime because I went to a baseball game) so I’m giving up some points today. Otherwise, all will be well.

I’m finished with baseball. I rarely go, and it will be rarer than ever now. Or maybe I will try a minor league game to see if the feeling is still there.

Reason: the audio-visual overwhelm at the game. It’s too loud, too much with the flashing lights and loud colors. The scoreboard is busy—and garish. Perhaps the glacial character of the game was too much in one direction. But last night’s experience is too much the other. The glacial pace was supplemented by in-your-face noise, flashing lights, between-the-innings distractions.

Of course, I haven’t given a damn about professional sports for decades. I don’t want to be the blob on the couch passively watching—I want to be doing.

I am frequently a blob on the couch. That’s by choice. But don’t plop me down and direct a firehose of noise and flashing lights at me.