

Your Path is your Path. Mine is mine.

My job is to make sure I have a Path. And stay on it.

Your life is your business. You do you.

I’ve been thinking about this all day today.

A few days before my 33rd birthday, a Path was offered to me, unbidden and unwanted. I seized it with all of the reluctance of a drowning man gasping for air. Many people push it aside. I’ve seen them die.

I didn’t have a Path until I was 33. Until then I was an idiot, seeking pleasure and randomly banging up against the guardrails of life. I was driftwood. Flotsam.

My Path has, at its core, remained the same since then.

How I describe my Path in words to myself, in my head, has changed over the years, but it’s still the same Path.

What I do to stay on the Path has changed over the years. But it’s the same Path.

What I have reaped from staying on the Path has changed, and I expect the results to change and change again, until the day I die.

How lucky am I? I have a Path, upon which great things have and will be built. Because I am on the Path, I have a soul. I own my own life.