

you can’t follow the rules. They aren’t designed to be followed. They’re designed to be arbitrarily enforced.


Be the person you want to attract

What you are is what you will get.


Personal excellence

Is the ultimate rebellion.


I don’t mind what happens

Jiddu Krishnamurti spent years giving spiritual talks. He became more candid as he got older. In one famous talk, he asked the audience if they’d like to know his secret.

He whispered, “You see, I don’t mind what happens.”

Sounds like Marcus Aurelius to me.


A lesson from 1989

“What should I do? I’m confused.”

Don’t look to someone else to give you the answer. There is no Secret Wisdom of the Ancient Masters.

You already know the answer. You know what to do.

My job as your friend is to just talk to you until you see it.

That’s my synthesis today, looking back to early 1989 and something that Ed L. told me, when I was at a seeming impasse. He was brilliant, I thought. Always knew what to do.

He told me he didn’t know what I should do. But, he said, I knew the right answer. The kingdom of God is within, etc.

I don’t remember his exact words, but he said that his role as a mentor was to just keep talking to me until I told myself the answer.

The job of a friend is to help reframe the question. That’s what Ed did for me. Through conversation over coffee or at Baskin Robbins he helped me uncover answers inside.

Humility. He didn’t know the answers that were right for me, and didn’t pretend to know. Patience. Just talk. No agenda. Just talk.

And that quip about Secret Wisdom of the Ancient Masters is no joke. I spent several years deep in the occult, the esoteric, the gnostics—before understanding what Ed taught me and putting it all aside.

Now I live a simple life. Marcus Aurelius is about as complex as things get for me. The Sermon on the Mount. It’s not hard.


As within, so without

That’s the marketing advice I received in a Starbucks a couple of days ago. He didn’t say it that way. At least not in those precise words.

But the idea is there: be who you are in your business affairs and it will all work out just fine.

Not only who I am now . . . but future me, aspirational me. I’m am in the process of letting that genie out of the bottle.

And for that aspirational me? I have a target, an avatar (or two). Let loose.


“To where?” Or “Away from here!”

I think I’ve changed a bit.

In Ye Good Olde Days I was driven by . . . not so much what I wanted, but by getting away from what I didn’t want. Driven by anger, resentment, envy. Driven by “I will show them!” energy.

It didn’t much matter the direction. I just wanted away from here.

Now I need a bit (not much) of direction. I am aiming toward things I want. Not away from things I hate.

This is reflected in the Three Node Theory I posted on Twitter a while ago. I just realized that is what is happening. All I need is the directional guidance for each node, and I will improvise from there.

The three nodes relate to what I’m doing in the internet. One of the questions in my head has been “what is the purpose of this website?” and I’m starting to find answers.

  1. Business. Public. Aim: money for me, life transformation for customers.
  2. Personal alt. Anonymous. Aim: my own transformation.
  3. Personal business. Public. Aim: use, show lessons from 2 to customers at 1 so they can transform themselves, too.

This website is number 2.


No one is out of your league

Remember that.

Credit where credit is due:

We are all playing our own game, so anytime you (I’m speaking to me right now) feel small (like now, after that meetup that just finished) remember that his life and your life (I’m talking to me) are in different leagues.

Temporarily, the Gods have created a little venn diagram and we both sit in the intersection of those circles. Soon enough, the “for a reason, for a season, or for a lifetime” poem will kick in and the circles will move. The circles are moving now, in fact. I cannot predict where, or how fast.

I’m playing my own game. I am in a league with only one team: Team Me. My team plays and endless string of friendlies with other teams in other leagues.

But, true confession. My brain’s Envy Module and the Less Than Module . . . well, they are the burr under the saddle that keep me on the spiritual path. And they are prickly right now.

(Example from today: “I haven’t been on a plane in 2.5 years,” my friend said proudly. This has made his life better, in his eyes. I want to be on a plane all the time. That would make my life better. His league has many dimensions, only a few of which I would care to experience. So why am I rattled?)

Unrelated. You want to know what I’m proud of right now? That janky URL. No fucks given. Go, me.


The machine is happy

The machine has slept well and will soon be fed. It surveys all around it.

Calm. Confidence. Contentment. Optimism.

It is a good day to be moving fast.


The wrong time to ask your brain for advice

Is the middle of the night.

That’s the real curse of jet-lag. Wide awake in the middle of the night with nothing to do except think.