
Monday morning

Awake before dawn, even though I would have liked to have more rest. All the way awake.

Feed the dog, make a cup of coffee. Sit, a bit disoriented, dreading the day ahead. It’s because of work: too much of it, and I’m fairly sure it’s not in my Right Place. Some of the upcoming day, sure—it’s Right Place activity. But not most.

The first stand-alone product has become clear to me. It is the same knowledge product idea as everything else, but this is scaled appropriately and small dimensioned so I can make it.

I must build it.

The market is small, but . . . proof of concept. And personal satisfaction. It would make me happy to say “done” to this, as small and obscure as it is.

The product is a subset of the big product that I am making. That’s a good sign: don’t want the big thing because you don’t need the big thing? Just buy the part you want.