

I am between Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Livehard program. These are the phases that come after 75 Hard.

I allowed myself to dial back to one workout a day + the reading + maintain my diet rule (no desserts, no sodas).

My state of mind has suffered. I’m down in the dumps and mopey and the future is doomed etc. “Life is too hard and it’s endless hard work and woe is me.”

This is now the second time I’ve done this (voluntarily taken my foot off the gas pedal) and had the mopey reaction.

I’m starting back on the full program today. Workouts, water, everything. The only hitch is the hernia work that will be coming up so that will limit what I can do now — and obviously after the surgery, too.

Phase 2 starts in a couple of weeks officially but I’m restarting unofficially today. I was going to postpone Phase 2 until after a big trip, but fuck it. Life doesn’t give time-outs so I’m just going to crank on Phase 2 while I’m in Milan.

It is scary how fast momentum is lost when I get complacent and give myself permission to coast.