
Little steps get you there

I ran my usual route last night after work. It’s 5k. I set a target speed of 12:30 and hit it (12:35). I started off too fast and slowed it down repeatedly until I hit the target. Also, and this is why I slowed it down, I ran the whole distance instead of walking some.

Why slow like that? Because I want to hit the 1/2 marathon distance and be conversational while I’m doing it.


  1. I could have run it out on Sunday. My brain told me to walk on Sunday and I did. There is a message in that: physical capacity was greater than willpower.
  2. No music, no podcasts. I can take boredom and quiet. Boredom is a compliment, not a curse.
  3. If I increase my distance modestly—very modestly—every week I will be able to do a half-marathon with ease. The power of starting early, setting modest goals, and sticking with it.
  4. I don’t have to be training gonzo style. Rest days are part of the plan. I am a gonzo type of person. It’s not necessary to be a gonzo type of person. I can drop this unhealthy cope.