Anything is possible at any time. Here is why.
The story is told in a Twitter thread slightly reassembled to tell the story that I need to hear . . . .
There is hope!
There’s this — I suffer from it too — disease where a kind of people (us) models things generally, from a God’s/outside/third person/objective perspective and then acquiesce and sync to it — No! We can make our good time in the midst of the general time, be it good or bad!
It’s a focus problem, a framing problem
Visa told me once “you’re focused on what is, I’m focused on what could be” and it pissed me RIGHT THE FUCK OFF but he was right — you don’t need to model THE WHOLE WORLD and then sync to it — you’re playing a 1 player adventure, not a worldbuilding game
It’s a framing problem.
You move in the direction of your focus, in the direction of how you frame a question.
Why complete knowledge is overrated
A desperate need to know everything is a trauma response — alieving that safety depends on total control which depends on total knowledge
The perceived need for Safety Through Knowledge is a framing error that moves you to data collection as a goal, not to safety as a goal. There is no chain of causation from getting enough information to “now I’m safe and I can predict what will happen to me.”
The key is variance
Why don’t you need “enough” data? Why is my intent . . . and movement vaguely and aspirationally in the general direction of that intent paramount? (Bad fucking sentence there Bucko.)
the trendline is clear
then again the trendline can’t tell anyone much about their individual experience, the variance is through the roof
In all of the noise, in all of the uncertainty, in all of the potentially adverse conditions embedded in the future . . . there is enough variance (of what could happen) and malleability (of using what actually happens in a useful way) to allow me to get where I want to go.
Let’s fucking go!
My applied conclusion for myself: I don’t need to know everything, or even “enough.”
MOVE. Ideally toward what I CHOOSE.
It’s all good. LET’S FUCKING GO!