
It is a day to trudge

Today we trudge slowly. Show up for early morning appointments. I don’t know what else. Go run.

What else? Not much. I worked late and hard last night and this morning I’m paying for it. This is a lesson to be learned. Slow and steady wins the race, not spikes of effort.

Like everything, you must pay. If you want more now, you borrow from the future. But sooner or later you must repay the debt. Stay up too late yesterday? Pay the price today with sluggish body and brain.

Today is payback day. Today is “live within your means” day.

Applied to running: yet another 5k today. Banking 5k runs, slow and steady, means next week I bank 5.5k runs. And the week after that another 10% increase in distance. All of a sudden after a very long period of time, hey presto, I’m running 15 miles. That’s the plan.