Up early after going to bed late. Went to bed late because too much caffeine too late in the day. Memo to self: no need to replicate that experiment.
Long day today. Zooms bracket the workday, then go run.
And so it goes.
What do I want? Not what I have. The fuckity-fuck problem exists and I’m pissed off still. Convo next week is required.
The plan is:
- Access to software gained.
- Items printed.
- System, using paper, assembled.
- System, using paper, demonstrated to self by self and documented.
- Consider how to supplement the system for later-acquired documents.
- System, using virtual paper, demonstrated and documented.
- Meeting. System presented. Nonnegotiable conditions.
- Follow-up for development.
- Follow-up for performance.
Consider joint venturing with someone. John or Dan. or brainstorming with them. Ask David if this is too hard core.