I think when I run. Usually it’s about Them or These Troubles Times and how They Are Doing It All Wrong and how I will courageously and humbly fix it.
This morning I started to try something different: visualization. What would my perfect day look like? Where would I be? What car would I be driving? Etc. The mundane (or not so mundane) details — what do they look like? What’s the view of me, from the view of a drone hovering 5 or 10 feet above me?
That’s a tall challenge.
I got as far as glimpses of me in my car, driving. What’s playing though the sound system, the upholstery, the color of the car, what the weather’s like.
But my mind kept snapping back to the shit.
“When your mind is in the ditch . . . .” Thanks Bob, for the reminder.
I’m going to keep this up. Let’s see how it goes. It’s a lot better than working myself up into a froth over Them.
When I go out in the morning for my first workout of the day, I visualize my perfect day. Which, I have to say, includes running at 5 am. It’s awesome to be out before dawn. It’s such a hopeful, vibrant time—pretty much the 180 of the feeling I get from hearing Early Morning Rain.