The Tens

The Tens

Fallen away. Time to start again today.

The Tens

The Tens

Pull-ups, push-ups, and squats completed.

Started the 10,000 steps but . . . knee pain. I may have to take it easy on that today.

Give it whatever you got in the moment you’re in.

The Tens

Simple but not easy physical fitness

Less glamour than a gym, but:

  • Push-ups, pull-ups, squats.
  • Walk. Slowly.

The “not easy” part is boredom and my perception of the value of time. Especially walking. I could be running! STFU. Walk. And the Achiever Module in my brain is like one of those annoying warning things in modern cars. Let me tell you about the lane warning sensor in a 4Runner. Fuck you Toyota.

I am weird about numbers. So I do the 10’s. Ten each of the bodyweight exercises. Ten thousand steps.

That’s just me. Give it a while. My routine will get different.

And shoot for perfection = 70%.

The Tens

The Tens

Let’s do it.

  • Push-ups
  • Pull-ups
  • Squats
  • Steps (in thousands)

Leave the dog behind. She got her workout already.

Note: I didn’t post this until I finished. Here’s the idea: Announce accomplishments after accomplishing (if you announce at all, and STFU is probably the better way to go). Announcing accomplishments before accomplishment is grandstanding and virtue signaling.

Let your actions talk for you.