Monk mode

Let’s do monk mode today

Food: Because of insomnia the intermittent fasting routine fell off. Bananas were eaten.

Physical: Let’s visit the PSP Club for 7/10/10 and then buy a day pass to NNT’s Walking Club. It’s within reason to build substantial walks into my day.

Spiritual: Read a little bit of Epictetus.

Work: I have a bullet list of stuff. Yesterday I successfully walked down my bullet list and did everything. Impressive. Do the same today. Start at the top and keep going. See how far I get. Maybe use the pomodoro system with PSP Club visits in the breaks. That usually feels great.

Attitude: “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Keep the “what’s within my control?” Stoic principles in mind as I go through the day, and do what I can do.

Monk mode

What to do when you’re stuck

Monk mode.

It’s may not be sustainable over time but it will give you momentum.

  • Sleep. Strict schedule for waking and sleep time. Everything starts with sleep.
  • Eat. Plain food, healthy and nutritious. Not too much. Drink water, coffee (black), or tea. Consider time-boxing your food using a 8 hour eat/16 hour fast schedule.
  • Sweat. Exercise every day. Underdo it. Don’t go beast mode. But do it.
  • Work. One project at a time until it’s done.
  • Grow. Read a little bit of the good stuff. Feed your mind.

Not be sustainable over time? It’s completely sustainable. Your will to persist will break before the system fails.

Watch yourself. It’s fascinating when you see your own mind rebel and fracture, like the army at the end of Anabasis, so close to home.

Written in seat 2C while waiting for take-off.

Monk mode

Today is Wednesday

Waken. Unspeakable bodily necessities.

Start the water on the stove, then feed the dog.

Coffee. 25 grams in the French press, 90 seconds steeping before pushing the plunger.

Throw out a few stragglers in the fridge: leftover pasta, some strawberries past their prime, a bottle of olives that has been in the fridge for far too long. A couple of other things.

Tiny entropy reversals on everything I touch.

Today: monk mode.

  • No food until noon.
  • Quick visit to the PSP Club. (Pull-up, squats, push-up). 7/10/10 is good enough. Underdo it.
  • Entropy reversals in everything I touch at work. This is vague so I will be more precise. How do I do an entropy reversal? This is an interesting puzzle to assemble.