Now I know what empty nest means. My son came home for spring break and I just dropped him off at the airport. The house is quiet again.
Only a few more of these spring break visits and that’s it. The kids will be self-propelled and this — just me, the wife, and the dog — will be the normal state of affairs.
I’m sad. I don’t know why. This is the way life works, I guess. You want your kids to grow up to be healthy, happy, well-adjusted, self-sufficient adults. And thank God this has happened. Yet I’m sad.
I miss them. I miss the happy chaos of having kids around. I miss being the dad, being the caretaker, the protector, the guide. (To the extent that they listened or paid attention of course. But that’s how I saw myself and my responsibilities).
They share their locations with me and that makes me happy to know where they are. It’s a tiny thread of connection.