
Luck surface area

“The amount of serendipity that will occur in your life, your Luck Surface Area, is directly proportional to the degree to which you do something you’re passionate about combined with the total number of people to whom this is effectively communicated.” – Jason Roberts

So it’s not just about splashing about, aimlessly.


Close the loop

Close the loop. There is no forward mom event until you close the loop.


Do only what you can do right now

you can only do what you can do right now

if you want to be doing other stuff and it’s outside your surface area you have to figure out how to get there via your current surface area

if you can only do a few things right now, better to do them until you can do something else

Robots vs humans

Anything short of the rawest, most honest human connection will be gobbled up by robots.

Nay Eliason in a newsletter about AI’s inevitable triumph, except for . . .

Actively mock the current thing

Waves of inconsequential ephemera are launched like mental missiles. In conversation, online—everywhere that communication is possible. One Current Thing after another. A few days of hysteria, and another Current Thing thrusts it aside.

Don’t take the bait. The Current Thing is neither bitter nor sweet, neither right nor wrong — these judgments reveal who you are. The Current Thing is a random social hallucination — or a deliberate effort at manipulation.

  • Random? Why add energy to a random process?
  • Deliberate? Why, by supporting or opposing The Current Thing, further someone else’s efforts to acquire power or wealth? Isn’t your own life more important to you?

Point out The Current Thing out for what it is: a fart in a windstorm. Trivial. Without substance. “Ha! Yet Another Current Thing!” Pointing and naming removes its mystery, just as turning on the light banishes shadows and reveals what was hidden in darkness.

Then ignore it. Employ the Golden Key (per Emmet Fox): stop thinking about the problem, and think about God.

If there is value in The Current Thing, time will reveal it.

Postscript. Inspired by this tweet:

Briefly opposing the current thing during its short period of relevance is just playing your own small role in the ecosystem in which it has successfully become the apex predator — you’re the thing it gnaws on

How to meet people and make friends

The bird app was full of unexpected nuggets today.

First, how to know people and be known:

in my experience living in the 2nd largest city* in New Hampshire you simply have to go to the same coffee shop every single day for 2+ years and you’ll meet 100 people, the mayor, your wife, etc

  • (pop 80k, where I was born, 10 miles from here)

in my experience living in the 2nd largest city* in New Hampshire you simply have to go to the same coffee shop every single day for 2+ years and you’ll meet 100 people, the mayor, your wife, etc

  • (pop 80k, where I was born, 10 miles from here)

Second, the essence of making a true friend:

friendship is a choice you make to be open with people. actually open. and i’m not talking about the showman’s vulnerability here.

take a risk on someone. you might be surprised.

The day I decided to get rid of 100 domain names

Stop drifting. You’re not going to re-read your Brief Comments, your Deeds of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, the commonplace books you saved for your old age. Sprint for the finish. Write off your hopes, and if your well-being matters to you, be your own savior while you can.

Meditations, 3:14

Or, let’s get micro and practical in my life:

Stop drifting. You’re not going to re-read your Brief Comments, your Deeds of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, the commonplace books build anything with those domain names stacked up in Namecheap. Sprint for the finish. Write off your hopes the fantasies that made you buy the domain names (this is such a brilliant idea that only I can do), the dull sense of obligation to self (you told yourself you would do this so you must do this), the unjustified sense of effortless greed (this will make me millions of dollars while I’m sleeping), and if your well-being matters to you, be your own savior while you can throw those psychic rocks overboard (mark all of those domain names to expire) and make your Boat of Life bouyant.

Written after awakening at 5:00 am.

It’s a good day to be traveling fast. Today is the day of my salvation.

Postscript, added later.

  1. It’s not 100 domain names, but it’s close. Namecheap shows domain names at 25 per page and I have four pages of domain names. I don’t want to waste my time counting.
  2. I logged on with my phone (then my iPad) and started deleting until the app broke. More later, when I’m on my computer. I have more to go.


The atrophy of older traditions of self-help has eroded everyday competence, in one area after another, and has made the individual dependent on the state, the corporation, and other bureaucracies.

Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism

Pareto, pareto

People are busy.

They want the 80-20 of the 80-20.


Arise, go forth and conquer as of old
