
Good morning

Awake at 4 am, feeling well-rested. This is improvement.

Time for coffee and writing. First this, then the other writing project.

The site counts 10 of us still on course since January 1. starting cohort: 159. I am one of the 10. Frankly, that’s why I keep writing every day. I would otherwise lose interest.

This has revealed something interesting, unexpected, and welcome. It’s the Tiny Habits game, sure. That made the daily habit attainable. But the competitive aspect is what keeps me in the game. Competition with self would not have worked.

Also checking in. The sads are still here but not as oppressive. Sleep helps. The sinus infection going away helps. The other external conditions still exist. The internal conditions? If I’m operating on the “within my control, not within my control” point of view, that’s something to be examined.



Write for five minute. That is the task I have set for myself. What about? Don’t know and don’t care. The objective was write five minutes every day and publish publicly every day. For a while the “publish” part was Twitter but I’ve nuked the app from my phone as being net negative. So now publishing is here.

I don’t want to write about what I really want to write about because this is a public-facing site. And I need to get the noise out of my head.

And what I really want to write is that I’m sad.

And I’m making excuses for it: jet lagged, recovering from a sinus infection, all externals. Otherwise everything is fine, right? Well, maybe not. Stiff upper lip and all that. I’m sad, feeling inadequate and unskilled, and unclear how to feel otherwise.

One thing I know from experience: it’s bad news to be thinking and talking to myself using “always” and “never.” Doomsday mentality. Better to get small. Do an actual thing instead of think. A small thing.

I have been awake since 3 am. Get up and get some breakfast.


Yes, and Freedom too

Don’t forget as an aid to sanity.



How do you keep moving? Well, first by cutting out the crap that has slowly re-entered your life. Twitter. Gone from the phone. What else must go?

Second. It’s always darkest before dawn. And “before dawn” is my life at the moment. Jet lag means my body clock is off and I’m awake at 3 am. So don’t take anything too seriously right now.

Third. What works? Keep doing that. If you stop doing that, start doing it again. So . . . what works? Well, Palestrina and Allegri rather than Thievery Corporation, as a start. Inject uplift.

Fourth. Humans. More of them. Optimize for that. But how?


Today I will be LARPing my own life

As if I am a digital nomad in my own home. Yesterday we arrived at this new location, where we plan to live for several months. Most of the day was consumed by jet lag.

I have a co-working space to go to (my office). It has three nice indie coffee joints within a block, and plenty of restaurants — ranging from mom and pop family joints yo tired chains (Chipotle and its ilk). Maybe I will take a break and sit in one of the coffee joints a while.

There is a nice place to run I have heard of (gone to hundreds of times before) that I will go to today.

Due to jet lag I won’t be at the co-working space too long, so I will do some work, run, and then go back to my Airbnb (the house I have lives in for 16 years).

Let’s see how this goes. Live in my hometown as a visitor.

This is all because I want to do this in other cities. Go, live for 6 months in New York, Milan, Singapore, Bangkok, whatever.

I’m going to test the theory here.


Retvrn . . . but to what?

At home. Jet lag. First cup of coffee the way I want it in my own home, after two weeks of travel.

What makes it home? Probably “everything in its place” has a lot to do with it. Familiarity. It’s certainly not the things themselves: the furnishings are entirely disposable, occupying space without any particular aesthetics.

But it’s home.

Would a rented space feel this way? Would a rented, furnished place feel like home? Does time make it feel like home?

The people, sure. But that’s not sufficient, because she was with me the whole trip and while that was comforting it did not make a hotel room a home.

What makes a physical space a home?

This is important because of the long-held dream of getting a space to live somewhere for a long-term temporary stay, maybe a year at most. Maybe (but probably not) where we were in Manhattan or Milan. “Probably not” because aesthetics. There are other places that would be preferable in Italy, other places I would rather be in the USA.

Start with here. I can make it happen here. All my theories about how I would do it, I can do here.

So it’s interesting. This is home, but what does home mean? I want to long-term camp out somewhere, and I can camp out at home.

And I shall start where I am, with what I have.

Here’s the idea. I can work from anywhere? Well, there are great coffee joints to work from, here in my home town. Go there. I would join a gym wherever I went. Great. I know exactly how I’d do that here. Now the interesting part. What are my theories for making new friends in new places? Do that here as if I know nothing and no one.

JFC my hometown is immortalized in one of those chill/downtempo albums. Found it last night on Spotify on the plane. Why go to Dubai, Ibiza, etc. etc. when it’s here all along?


Busy, so I don’t confront the finite

From a Tweet from a book (4,000 weeks I think)

“… the futile attempt to “get everything done,” which is really another way of trying to evade the responsibility of deciding what to do with your finite time—because if you actually could get everything done, you’d never have to choose among mutually exclusive possibilities.”

Yeah that.

Choose one thing. You can’t do everything.


Five minutes in the taxi

Five minutes of writing in the taxi. A Benz. Different from mine, but the same.

Headed for Malpensa on a Saturday morning in early spring.

Back to liminal space: airport lounges, airplanes. It’s not as if Milan itself isn’t liminal space to me — well, maybe it isn’t, but hotels and restaurants feel like it to me. No fixed abode, buying my right to be present.

I feel untethered. And for the first time realizing that if I moved here I would always feel grafted, not rooted. Like it or not, I know where home is.


What about today?

The urge to Do. I have it. And I have it for the weirdest reason: because it’s today, and today will never be here again. It’s not the persistence of time, it’s the ephemeralness (word failure) of time.

I’ve bought into the belief. I believed it is a true idea and therefore I Must Do. (Do what? Don’t know. But must do something).

Then, I will judge myself on the quality of what I did. And believe that I could have Done More. And feel bad.

How about not? How about I think a different thought? Like the thought that allows me to sleep until 11 am? What difference would that make? Does a difference matter?

I’m operating on embedded beliefs. I just saw one today, accidentally, and I don’t think it is particularly healthy.

Today is the last day in Milan. I will meet someone in a while. We will talk business. That’s a decision that yesterday me made. Otherwise, I am free. All I really want to do is sit outside in the sun (it’s a nice day) at an ordinary cafe.


Life is simple when

When you’re writing for yourself and don’t care if other people read it or not. Or buy or not.

When you go where you want to go for lunch, reviews be damned.

When you wear the shoes you want to wear because they’re comfy, whether or not they are fashionable. (Hint: fashionable is the opinion of others, an opinion most often created commercially).

Twitter again has been sobering. At a superficial level (which is all that I can see) it is 100% marketing, 100% of the time, by 100% of the users. Only some of the marketing is commercial. But all of the communications are marketing messages.

Ok let’s say 90% marketing. There is a small and visible element of apparently sincere, one-to-one care and attention. One person sincerely caring on a non-performative level for another person. But even that is suspect: is the personal connection sincere or manipulative? Who knows.

I am on Twitter . . . why? Same reason as everyone else. Get followers. Why? Make money. Why? Money is good. Why? Uhhhh.

I am on Twitter . . . why? Because my brain wants a treadmill to run on so it feels the appearance of accomplishment, which is so much easier to reach than marching through the drudgery to real accomplishment.

I am no better than everyone else.

But this is back to the headline. Life is simple when . . . you don’t care about the analytics. The praise. The payoff. Just do something, because it feels like the right thing to do.

Life is only real then, when I am.

(If I can coin a phrase, haha).

Now. A hotel room in Milan at mid-day, looking through the window at the Pirelli Tower outlined against a grey sky, with Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto Number 1 in D Minor playing quietly on my iPad. The window is open and the cold winter air streams into the room and feels crisp and invigorating.

God is alive. Magic is afoot.

(To coin a phrase, haha).