

It feels good to get too much sleep (of course there is no such thing). This morning I woke fully rested, unable to roll over and go back to sleep. I’m going to do it again tonight.

I went with too little sleep for so long. Part of that was situational: the pressure of kids, work, etc. Partly it was because night (after everyone went to bed) was the only time I would get down time, alone time. I think I need more quiet time than the average person.

Part of it was productivity bravado and the prevailing attitude of hustle and don’t waste time with useless activities like sleep.

Cut out the bullshit and live well. If you’re tired at 8 pm go to bed at 8 pm. If the circumstances are configured to make sleep possible, allow sleep to occur.

Now I wake up early and get some quiet time before Teh Wife wakes up. Feed the dog, have some coffee. Write this. Then she wakes up and joins me. We talk about whatever. It’s a good rhythm.


Week 1 of running

Three 5k runs. The first was run 2 miles, walk the rest. The second and third were runs. 12:35 and 12:02 average speed.

Ok to start.

Next week: add 10% to the distance and start extending one day to be the long run. Let’s say 5.5k twice and 6k for the long run. I don’t want to ramp up too fast.


Run it out. Or as the podcast said, get all the way wet.

This is good.


It is a day to trudge

Today we trudge slowly. Show up for early morning appointments. I don’t know what else. Go run.

What else? Not much. I worked late and hard last night and this morning I’m paying for it. This is a lesson to be learned. Slow and steady wins the race, not spikes of effort.

Like everything, you must pay. If you want more now, you borrow from the future. But sooner or later you must repay the debt. Stay up too late yesterday? Pay the price today with sluggish body and brain.

Today is payback day. Today is “live within your means” day.

Applied to running: yet another 5k today. Banking 5k runs, slow and steady, means next week I bank 5.5k runs. And the week after that another 10% increase in distance. All of a sudden after a very long period of time, hey presto, I’m running 15 miles. That’s the plan.


Little steps get you there

I ran my usual route last night after work. It’s 5k. I set a target speed of 12:30 and hit it (12:35). I started off too fast and slowed it down repeatedly until I hit the target. Also, and this is why I slowed it down, I ran the whole distance instead of walking some.

Why slow like that? Because I want to hit the 1/2 marathon distance and be conversational while I’m doing it.


  1. I could have run it out on Sunday. My brain told me to walk on Sunday and I did. There is a message in that: physical capacity was greater than willpower.
  2. No music, no podcasts. I can take boredom and quiet. Boredom is a compliment, not a curse.
  3. If I increase my distance modestly—very modestly—every week I will be able to do a half-marathon with ease. The power of starting early, setting modest goals, and sticking with it.
  4. I don’t have to be training gonzo style. Rest days are part of the plan. I am a gonzo type of person. It’s not necessary to be a gonzo type of person. I can drop this unhealthy cope.


Rolling today

Already assigned a task in Slack to an employee. Subtract a task from my plate. He will be slower and require quality control but the QC time is less, than my “do it” time. Not by much, unfortunately but there you are.

My project plan written yesterday is under review and if it looks complete I will assign it for execution to the same employee who is doing the review. With my QC of course.

Write up new project plans for the convo I had yesterday. Two projects with action, one project pending. Those will be assigned off. They will require major QC but what are you going to do? How else am I going to get strong team backup? I can’t hire it (because I don’t know where these people are) so at the moment I’m growing it.

Arthur Ashe’s famous quote:

Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.

Arthur Ashe

I’m trying to limit the scope of what we work on to even a smaller niche. Maybe that’s the flag we fly. I’m not that bold yet and anyway I’m about to launch a related one year marketing course of action on a parallel path and I need to ride that pony to the end of the road. But there’s plenty of crossover.

Gotta subtract though.


Add and subtract

Subtract. Do less, and don’t replace the activity you subtracted with another activity. E.g., don’t stop doing a low value thing at work and replace it with a higher value thing.

Yes, that’s a good thing to do. It is an improvement. But not the right kind of improvement. What is the end state, if you repeat the cycle again and again? is that where you want to be? A perfectly efficient machine doing . . . what? Why?

Add. How about adding nothing? Add empty space. You can’t have a vacuum in time and in activity—you’re always doing something. So instead of improving the way you have meetings or getting better software or scheduling your life better or publishing more better stuff, insert leisure.

This will put you on a different path with a different outcome. What it is, I don’t know. Will it be a “better” path?

Well, at least it will be less frenetic. Less “find a nail, pound a nail” productive. More internal peace and quiet.

Into action? What do I subtract?

By the way. Today is day 73 and there are 9 of us left out of a starting cohort of 159.


Lights on, go

I am awake. It’s dark, because the clock moved while I was asleep. Lights on and we are at full-speed brain. Ugh.

Falling behind. That’s my feeling. Falling behind as in more things piling up than I get done in a day. Ugh.

No new stuff. Back to this philosophy. Just do old stuff. One thing at at time until it’s done. That’s how to reduce inventory.

And . . . stuff handed off to others to do so I don’t have to do it.

I’m thrown off emotional balance easily by the overload.

I’m at least working on my big project due March 31. That’s good.

But what to take out of this? It’s the usual “you know what to do, so do it” dose of reality. Add back the reading and you’re good to go.


Today’s episode

Today’s episode starts with coffee at dawn.

Today’s episode is not another in the continuing saga. Today is a brand new show. Come along as we explore the Reality Laughs Show! Thing happen. Hilarity ensues.

What if I look at everything in my life as monocausal? One cause explains all outcomes. Climate change is the current culprit du jour systemwide, but what about me as a human? Do I look at my life through Monocausal Goggles?

Mindset. Grit. You can do anything, given enough time and effort. That kind of stuff. While I don’t believe it to be really monocausal, I often behave that way, excluding other points of view.

It’s like this. Pretend I always bet on red. I get the expected results. I get more and more refined in my Theory of Red. Same results. The wheel doesn’t care about my theory.

The appropriate thing to do is question the theory.

Become a “bet on black” practitioner. 😏 I joke, but it’s a decent breakout move.

Better is to choose a different strategy entirely. Bet on a number. Or (gasp) leave the roulette table entirely.

All I’m saying is I think I’m a highly refined theoretician and practitioner of “bet on the red.” It’s time to break out and test some other ways of looking at life.


What hidden copes do I have

What reflexive attitudes and behaviors do I have which are hidden methods I have developed for coping with the world?

This is a @Visakanv idea: destructive behaviors as ways of coping with inner stuff. In his case, smoking.

In my case, I have banished one equivalent destructive habit, but what subtle, seemingly normal behaviors do I have that are supporting mechanisms to help me get through the day but otherwise counterproductive.


Control the inputs

I am back to controlling what goes into my mind. Well, somewhat.

Twitter is gone. I simply deleted the app. Even with blocking and muting (of both people and words) I could feel the gravitational pull. At best, it was a time suck. Yes, there is a socialization factor. No, net net it’s not worth it.

Freedom is blazing as soon as I wake up. All of the usual sites are blocked. This breaks the reflexive habits of touring the usual places for the usual stimulus to feel the usual feelings. Or even just break the reflexive patterns.

Spotify is purged. Rachmaninov, Allegri, Palestrina etc. stay. The rest of the playlists and favorites are gone. Even humming a snippet of a song that I deleted evokes the feeling that I want to banish: a sort of settling into a depressive, inert state of mind.

Let’s see how this works.

Podcasts. For the moment they continue, though not in firehose mode. My brain needs quiet time.