
Pentathlon Day 10

Yeah. Up early. Couldn’t sleep.

I will hit the targets today.

I’m going to have to get MIW in place when I can, in increments.

Now. Let’s get to real work: shedding loads. First, as soon as I get finished with these five minutes will be an email to reject a new project in order to preserve sanity.

Second, review products waiting for me to close out a long-dormant client. Grab them from the server so I can look at them at my leisure.

Some sort of mantra: kill what needs to be killed, throw away what is not immediately useful. Keep pedaling on everything else.


A small abandoned blog

She wrote, then stopped. Or maybe she started writing elsewhere. The last post is from 2014.

Maybe she forgot the password to log in, so she walked away. Maybe she thought no one was listening, sighed, and turned to mundane day-to-day life.

There is a real person there. A soul. A yearning.

Thank you for writing 25 blog posts. Maybe that’s all you needed to do for yourself—get a few thoughts out of your head and get on with life on life’s terms.

You made my day a little better, nine years after you stopped writing.


I am choosing this life

You’ve been choosing this life you have all along.

If my life is unacceptable to me, it’s my own damn fault.

If my choices have created a life that is unacceptable to me, what does that say about my choices? It says that I made my choices to be acceptable to others, at my own expense.

What does this mean for today?

What choices do I make today?

I choose, today, to build my heart’s desire. One step at a time. Either it will work or it won’t—but I want to give it the opportunity to blossom and bear fruit.

Then let everything else fill in around that.


Pentathlon Day 9

Hit all targets yesterday.

Thinking about why I make things as hard as possible. (Do I?)

Newsletter. I could make them shorter. Easier to read and assimilate a thought and easier to write.

Webcasts. I could make them shorter. Easier to find time to watch them and faster to make.

Run. Longer. Ever harder. Go go go. Why am I committing to a half-marathon?

Why not think about the alternative? Try with this week’s newsletter. Shorter: 1,000 words instead of 2,000 or more.

It’s like those Jim Clair emails before I gave up. Get to the point, Jim. Same for mine?

And keep the snark out. Snark is lazy.


Pentathlon Day 8

Sleep time. Missed it by 3 minutes. Got plenty of rest though, due to a Saturday afternoon nap. I’m up early and it is a run day. And there is work to do.

At this point the five minutes of writing a day feels rote. Maybe that’s part of the exercise: to keep emptying the bucket when you think the bucket is empty. So I continue to write immediately when waking up, mostly vapid. Keep on it, even when it produces nothing of value (like today). The value is in the thumbs hitting the keys on this phone.

I have no further words to express any feelings because the feelings are dulled by the prospect of work all day, on top of a 10k.


Pentathlon Day 7

Starting the day with water rather than coffee seems to make the wake-up process smoother.

At the suggestion of a friend, I am making two lists: a Fairy Godmother list and a Stop Doing This list. Let’s see what happens.

The Fairy Godmother list is something you wish, however farfetched. Do you want to be king? On the list. Time is irrelevant. Effort is irrelevant. Talent and physical attributes are irrelevant. Do you want to be a nuclear physicist? Done.

He has a way of asking questions—he demonstrated and I don’t remember how he did it—that quickly zero in on what you really want beneath the fantasy of being the king philosopher powerlifting nuclear physicist who is lighter than air and can fly.

The other list, I forget his name for it, is a Do Not Do list. A list of things you never want to do again in your life. This could be fanciful stuff, as above. But most likely these are real things in your life.

So, the extreme poles of dreams of a perfect life. Beneath the dreams is a reality. Find it. within those fancies and impossible whimsies are concrete actions. Do them.

Testing continues for the easiest way to do this. I’m trying simple lists in Reminders on my phone. I want something as low friction as possible.

Let’s see what the lists reveal. Obviously, simple pie-in-the-sky dreams and whiny complaints do nothing. It’s what lies beneath the surface of the positive and negative fantasies that matters, and is actionable. And, when addressed, will make the difference.


Pentathlon Day 6

Up early even though I went to bed late.

Today is a running day.

My brain is fried from insufficient sleep.

Ghost as an email platform is vastly better than Mailchimp.

Today is a day to be methodical and not have any strong opinions. I’m likely to be a tad irritated with everyone and everything today.

So the day will be:

  • Call. Should I renegotiate my arrangement? Refocus the consulting?
  • Lunch. What are they doing about processes and checklists?

Make the afternoon about excellence in project management. Or should I say process management?


Pentathlon Day 5

I will give up 100 points again today. Didn’t hit my sleep target because I was working until 10:30 pm.

Sleep matters. I’m starting to see this and feel it. Early to bed is essential; I feel groggy now.

The other sleep problem (aside from going to bed late) is entirely preventable: don’t have phones in the room because they make noises in the middle of the night. This is now a three time problem within a week. And it doesn’t help that I have multiple devices. Keep the backpack out of the bedroom and charge devices somewhere else.

I feel as though I am treading water at work. Things don’t get better, and no one around me seems to care. What to do? It’s unsustainable.


Pentathlon Day 4

First things first. Spam calls are bad always and especially at 4:30 am. The iPad was in the bedroom and FaceTime called. Ouch.

New day. Better rhythm. It will be a full points day. And it’s a running day. Increase the distance by 1/2 a mile. My objective is to get the short days to 10k, then start lengthening the long day to a full half-marathon distance.

Today: MIW consists of polishing the slide deck. Make customers.

Today: ship client work.

Today: remember to breathe. Stressed. It feels like treadmill time, so slow down and look at the clouds. All of the previous major dilemmas of life passed and here I am. Why take these minor dilemmas seriously? Remember that.


Pentathlon Day 3

Went to bed too late (past the self-designated 10 pm bedtime because I went to a baseball game) so I’m giving up some points today. Otherwise, all will be well.

I’m finished with baseball. I rarely go, and it will be rarer than ever now. Or maybe I will try a minor league game to see if the feeling is still there.

Reason: the audio-visual overwhelm at the game. It’s too loud, too much with the flashing lights and loud colors. The scoreboard is busy—and garish. Perhaps the glacial character of the game was too much in one direction. But last night’s experience is too much the other. The glacial pace was supplemented by in-your-face noise, flashing lights, between-the-innings distractions.

Of course, I haven’t given a damn about professional sports for decades. I don’t want to be the blob on the couch passively watching—I want to be doing.

I am frequently a blob on the couch. That’s by choice. But don’t plop me down and direct a firehose of noise and flashing lights at me.