one of my beliefs that I haven’t articulated clearly yet: I think the irresistability of a great ask is almost independent of the asker and the asked.
a truly fantastic ask is something that the universe itself seems compelled to honor
a fantastic ask is not the same as a dramatic gesture, which can be imposing. a dramatic gesture is like, sending them 10 pages of DMs. it’s intimidating, overwhelming, selfish, unfair.
a fantastic ask is small but perfect, like a haiku you hear once and remember forever
@visakanv on Twitter, November 1, 2021
My personal, lived experience is that the universe delivers when specific requests/intentions are stated out loud. It has happened to me. And it will again.
Interesting wrinkle, dawning on me as a result of reading this thread: the universe delivers through people.
An ask uttered to the universe at large is useful. An ask uttered to a person is essential.
Ask well. Honor the universe and the people around you by asking well — and answering well when receiving a well-stated, crisp, well-intentioned request.
Can people be taught to ask well? Some, perhaps. A few. I rarely see people who examine and refine their thinking. Should I, in response to a poorly-formed ask, respond first with the fundamentals?
Life lesson here: everything is woo. Everything is work on one’s spiritual progress. Note I say progress: there is no spiritual attainment.
When looked at that way, the indicated action is easy. An ask, poorly-formed or not, comes from a place of spiritual development. Aim for that part of the person. Help that way. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God” etc etc.
But don’t take that as a license to be a pompous asshole, and don’t forget that in addition to spiritual needs people sometimes just need a hamburger.
But. For yourself, for myself I should say — ask. I don’t ask frequently enough.