
Maybe this is an algorithm for life

From a comment on HN:, talking about applying to YC:

YC approval process is pretty much this:

– Do I even understand your idea.

– Have you talked to customers.

– Am I impressed in your use of time.

– Do I believe that your team is capable of delivering.

– Is it a good idea.

Most people can’t get past the first two but obsess over the last two.

What is my idea? Exactly? Not handwavy. (I better go write that on the secret site right now).

I have talked to a few customers.

I am not impressed by my own use of time. Buckle up and hit the throttle.

Can I deliver? Yes at small scale. At large scale I don’t know. (See my comment about time).

Is it a good idea? Yes because it builds human capability which can be applied in uncountable ways.

The comment immediately below it summarizes the YC selection philosophy:

This is the process. They want people with high agency, a bias to action, and who make progress in the face of uncertainty.

Or at least some random person’s effort at mind-reading and inference from observation.