
God does for us

. . . what we cannot do for ourselves.

In a fit of ego I wanted to enable stats here after not caring and not watching.

Couldn’t make Jetpack work. Can’t be bothered with trying anything else.

If I can’t run this site from my phone it’s not going to happen.

UI failure and personal laziness = no stats for this website.

Result? Ego successfully not inflated (or deflated).

Next action? Carry on with life. Continue using this as a journal or notebook.

Sometimes God uses mysterious methods, like inspiring seemingly inscrutable, poorly-considered decisions by software engineers and business owners.

I’m looking at you, Automattic. You’re doing the Lord’s work. Even when you’re “improving” 🙃 things.

Hmmm. I probably should turn that judgmental microscope around and look at myself for a minute. Maybe I’m just trying to push the door open when the sign says pull.

And I know one thing I can do: get into my passwords and clean up the litter of WordPress-related credentials. Website logins, usernames (why?), logins to the servers on which the sites are/were installed.