
Everything is always the same and always has been

What’s important to my life is no different than what was important to my grandfather. The details are different (as a young man he was busy staying alive at Gallipoli and Passchendaele and obviously survived or I wouldn’t be here) but the underlying reality for both of us is the same.

We live. We die. What makes a successful life is the same for me as it was for my grandfather. And his grandfather. And his grandfather.

This is a reminder to myself. Don’t get distracted by the latest iPhone. Or the latest war. Or the shameless venality of our so-called leaders. Or the willful gullibility and cupidity of those around you.

The old answers are not the right because they are old. The old answers are the right answers because they are right.

Trust God. Clean house (literally and metaphorically). Help someone else, with humility.

An earnest application of a few spiritual principles. That’s all it takes. That’s all it has ever taken to have a successful life.