
No input, less output

In the 75 Hard days I lived the life that Bob admonished us to live: reading, daily. “The first thing to go is the reading,” he would say.

Well, the reading went.

That means no more Meditations. No more other stuff. Ten pages a day makes a difference. I’m reading, but haphazardly.

And surprisingly the output here and on the other sites has dropped to nil.

Ah well. Time to start the routine again. I have Meditations on my phone. Let’s do it again.


The way to compensate for 3 follow-through is to use repeated injections of 7 quick start energy.

Maybe that’s why was instinctively appealing to me. It’s another push on the flywheel. These are the types of activities that use quick start energy to build a pattern of follow-through.

Good morning, Marcus. Today I will read what you wrote while among the Quadi.