
“To where?” Or “Away from here!”

I think I’ve changed a bit.

In Ye Good Olde Days I was driven by . . . not so much what I wanted, but by getting away from what I didn’t want. Driven by anger, resentment, envy. Driven by “I will show them!” energy.

It didn’t much matter the direction. I just wanted away from here.

Now I need a bit (not much) of direction. I am aiming toward things I want. Not away from things I hate.

This is reflected in the Three Node Theory I posted on Twitter a while ago. I just realized that is what is happening. All I need is the directional guidance for each node, and I will improvise from there.

The three nodes relate to what I’m doing in the internet. One of the questions in my head has been “what is the purpose of this website?” and I’m starting to find answers.

  1. Business. Public. Aim: money for me, life transformation for customers.
  2. Personal alt. Anonymous. Aim: my own transformation.
  3. Personal business. Public. Aim: use, show lessons from 2 to customers at 1 so they can transform themselves, too.

This website is number 2.