Victim mentality is pessimism.
Pessimism is easier than optimism.
Social validation for pessimism is easier to accomplish than social validation for optimism.
The reason you get social validation for your victim mentality is because losers see someone of like mind and approve. One of us!
And winners, the optimists, see you for what you are. They give you a dismissive, desultory pat on the head to get you the fuck away from them, and move on.
Or, from a distance, they silently edge away from you without comment, having seen who you are and realizing the danger that lurks there.
Do you wish you were an optimist? Are you sick of seeing bullshit and decay everywhere you look? The problem is you. Not them, whoever they are.
Just start refusing to be a victim.
Every time you have a negative thought, every time you have an opinion, every time you make a judgment, just say to yourself, “Well, that’s a thought. I can have other thoughts.”
Via negativa.
You will, by shoveling the shit out of your head, discover the stable.
And I use that word deliberately. You will arrive at stability, by way of simple, basic, fundamental moral principles that guide your life.
And a life based on basic principles is an optimistic one. Suddenly, beauty is everywhere.