Correlation proves causation in this situation — enough for my purposes, anyway.
I have stayed off Twitter and Reddit by using for several days in a row. The election bullshit gets me riled up.
This is clearly a case where things outside my control (Twitter noisy people) are affecting my inner self. Correction: it is I who allows my mentality to be disturbed. I’m not living the Stoic principles.
But a man’s gotta know his limitations, as the philosopher said. Sometimes I need outside help in the form of keeping me away from things I can’t keep myself away from.
No harm in admitting weakness. No harm in asking for outside help.
If anything, the bullshit has refocused me on the importance of strengthening the inside man.
Gurdjieff and his followers may be full of shit, but his idea that a single Man Number 7 can change the world is a powerful thought.
It all starts with me. And with other people, if they choose the same quest.
I have modest aspirations for myself. A few minutes of peace while sitting in the warm sun is enough for me.
Start by keeping the barbarians at bay.