
I don’t know what to do

The best response to that statement is to start doing.

Faced with infinite potential, what do I choose? Life is a conjuring trick. We magically create something from nothing.

Because what is tomorrow and next year except nothing? The future isn’t real. Pure potential, pure promise, but poke at it and nothing is there. Just thought. Just ideas.

Humans create reality. And you’re human. You will create reality. You will create your reality by your actions and intentions, or you will have a reality thrust upon you by your inactions and aimlessness. There is no Plan C.

What do I want to create? That’s not an easy question to answer? For most of us, the desire is created as we create the object of desire. Or, in a figure of speech, how would you know that you like going to the beach until you go to the beach? If you set “beach” as your life’s work . . . well, I don’t know how that makes sense.

So you pick an approximation of direction, starting from where you are. Walk towards what you think you might want, or walk away from what you think you don’t like.

Hint: it’s easier to move away from stuff. It’s easier to identify what you don’t like.

Make sure that starting involves doing something, not “getting ready” to do something.

Engage infinity enthusiastically. Start running toward the horizon. It really doesn’t matter which way you go. You’ll be making course corrections.

In fact, life is an endless run toward the horizon with a countless number of course corrections. Then you die.

That sounds grim, you say? No. It’s liberating. Go out there with glee. Strive. Fuck things up cheerfully.

Now. That said, you can save yourself a few detours. Develop deep moral character, and (metaphorically speaking) make sure you’re looking through the windshield instead of into the rear view mirror. A tiny bit of self-reflection is useful. Don’t wallow.

For kicks and giggles I’m going to try this for the next 10 days: a tiny bit of self-reflection. For that purpose I will use use Jordan Peterson’s Future Authoring system. Why should I hack through an uncharted jungle with a blunt machete when he has built a sidewalk for me?

Things are going pretty well in life for me. That makes me nervous. I fear complacency.

Things are going pretty well in life for me. That makes me hungry. I know that there are infinite possibilities open to me.