
Nothing up my sleeve

Pretty much everything thrown at me is designed to distract me while the real action is going on elsewhere. The good faith actors are few and can be identified — they are vilified wholesale. (Don’t make an error interpreting that sentence. I did not say V —> G or even G —> V.)

We are collectively under attack by, as Gurdjieff called them, broken machines. They go destructively beserk with almost comical aplomb.

Who will prevail? It is not entirely clear to me that civilized humans will.

Black pill.

Everything is propaganda. Everything is sleight of hand. Be wary of all you see and hear.

Grow intellectually, spiritually, and physically strong and find allies who value personal strength and integrity. Assemble small groups of allies. The countermeasures will become obvious.

We, collectively, will be here for centuries. We will outlast the onslaught of the berserkers. Many of us individually will fall. But we will prevail.

White pill.

By sheer willpower and desire.