If you want to change the world, you’d better damn well have an extremely clear view of reality.
If you’re making decisions based on a false view of reality you will do things that make matters worse, not better.
What are the things that created the goodness all around you right now? Do you really understand why you live the life you have now? Understand history. Really understand it.
If you live a life of self-deceit and ignorance, you will inevitably harm yourself.
Writ large, the same is true for society. If you lie to yourself and are ignorant, you will harm your community while loudly proclaiming “But I am helping!”
Your life can go to shit incredibly fast—in a moment of ignorance or self-deceit. A society can go to shit in a few years—and stay there for centuries.
This is probably as close to a political statement as I am willing to get.
But personally living the truth of this idea? I strive daily for it. Don’t fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool, as Richard Feynman said.
Resisting the visible folly? That, too. Only that will take a bit of courage.